Join us for an exciting upcoming event…

Healing Through Pleasure:
Jade Egg Meets Restorative Yoga
with Kim Keller and Natalie Stawsky
Saturday, April 30th, 1-6pm at Ashland Hot Yoga
Expand your self-care. Join us and:
- Increase your pleasure potential
- Bring more sensuality in your life
- Heal vaginal pain or discomfort
- Explore your inner landscape
- Connect with your sensual/sexual self
- Experience sacred sisterhood
- Increase your libido
- Support and strengthen your vagina
Restorative yoga for:
- Soothing to the nervous system
- Slows down our pace in life
- Brings us to the present moment and awareness
- Connection to our heart’s desire
- Cultivates heightened body and deepens our self awareness
- Promotes introspection and inner journey
- Helps you feel safe and nurtured
- Connects you with the divine
- Enhance connection to your sacred Yoni and your Divine Feminine Essence!
Utilize the egg-shaped stone as a tool for healing and deepening your self-care. Experience heart expansion, increase your pleasure and explore deep presence. This practice supports vaginal health, helps heal sexual trauma, supports recovery and preparation for childbirth, and increases pleasure potential. Jade Egg supports emotional wellness, vitality and juicy creativity.
Each woman uses her own Jade Egg (or other yoni stone) throughout the day to support and create her personalized practice. This introductory gathering will be conversational only.
Kim Keller is a Tantrica and Sex Educator from Ashland, Oregon. This practices supports vaginal health, such as incontinence, tone of the pelvic floor muscles, increased lubrication and libido. Jade Egg also increases emotional wellness of vitality and creativity.
Natalie Stawsky will bring her Restorative and gentle, meditative yoga to the use of the Jade eggs and the connection with the Yoni Space.
Date: Saturday, April 30th
Time: 1-6 p.m.
Location: Ashland Hot Yoga, 2455 Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland, OR
Cost: $60 if paid before April 15th / $70 thereafter.
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