When Wrenna was a little girl, we would spend every Wednesday together. We called it Wrens-day. I would pick her up at the curb of her school, and we would go on all sorts of adventures. Wren is grown now, and off on an adventure of her own to Geneva, Switzerland. She wrote this poem and had no idea how it would speak to my heart. I share it with you now:

Wrenna and Auntie Kim, celebrating Wren’s upcoming “Adventures in Europe”
By Wrenna Keller, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2017
Who do I write for?
I write for the future self
battered and bruised but powerful as all
A woman of earth and stone and water
A soul of air, and heart of sunshine
This is me, the woman I am and have become
A master of the moon, reader of water, singer of songs and maiden of Love
My hair smells of chai and my skin smells of herbs
I am the shadow woman who dwells in dreams
Silent sound of wing beats
Drums of heart
This is me, the woman I am and have become
Ancient ruins
Echos in the caves
waves crashing, children laughing
my wind chimes act as sirens
igniting curiosity and desire, pulling you in
Bones in the garden tell stories of life and death
Ribbons in the trees, reminiscent of summer celebration
Tea by the creek
white lace table cloth, muddy feet
memories of years to come
prayer, celebration and time
bright red blood drips
returning to Earth, making me feel Whole and connected
Woolen rugs fray at the edges
Incense smoke slowly rises
The sound of the kettle brings my attention to the dawning daylight
Crickets, birds and breeze
Curtains flutter and I stay still to prevent her from waking
Gentle breaths on my chest
open your eyes slowly child
Be soft today, there is no need to hurry
for you are not yet born
Lavender linens, adorable kittens
We’ve weaved this into existence together
They say it takes a village, and that’s exactly what we’ve built
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